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News Factory Terms and Conditions


News Factory Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

The News Factory grants you permission to download an audio/video file or files from its website for personal, non-commercial use only, subject to the News Factory's terms of use. However, this permission may be revoked at any time.

You are not permitted to download, or otherwise modify, the content of the News Factory website in order to promote, advertise, recommend, or in any way imply that you (or anyone else) has any connection with the News Factory, or any of its employees or agents. .

The News Factory will not be liable for any loss you may suffer as a result of downloading or using News Factory content or for any reason in connection therewith.

Terms for using your work on the News Factory:

If you would like a News Factory reporter to contact you, please leave your phone number.

In some cases, one or more selected comments from your comments may include your name and where you are writing from, unless you object. However, there will be no information that can be used to contact you.

You should never endanger yourself or anyone else or take any risks or break any laws by sharing any of our photos, videos or eyewitness accounts.

Please read the terms below.


1- The News Factory may request the whole or part of your work (any photographs you take, any video, graphics work or audio clips) for use on their online services. The News Factory is committed to complying with all regulations in this regard. These rules set out how the BBC uses your work and how you or you allow the News Factory to use your work.

2- If you allow the News Factory to use your work (any photographs, videos, graphics or audio clips you take), the News Factory has the right to broadcast the work worldwide for free. The News Factory may omit any part of the work or add anything new or edit it as it sees fit. If the News Factory considers any part of it to be in breach of the News Factory's Terms of Service, that part will be removed.

3- By granting permission you grant the News Factory full rights and freedom to use all or part of your work in any way, for any purpose and anywhere in the world. If the News Factory so wishes, they may grant permission to any third party they collaborate with (other news organizations) to use it.

4- You own your work and the News Factory has no restrictions on this. You can allow anyone else to use it if you want.

5- You warrant that your work or works do not infringe the copyright or any other law of any third party or are otherwise objectionable. You further warrant that your work is solely yours and has not been used for any promotional or illegal purposes and has no commercial intent behind it. You also confirm that if any person is involved in your work, you have obtained their permission or, if you are using someone under the age of 16, the consent of their guardian.

6- If you have no objection, we also show your name along with your piece of work. But many times this may not be the case.

7- The News Factory may need to contact you for various reasons (assurance of your work or other needs). Provide detailed address and phone number for when and where we can contact you. To find out more, log on to the News Factory's Privacy and Cookies Policy page.

8- You are requested not to take any risks and not put yourself or others in any adverse situation in any work done for the News Factory.

9- The News Factory may require your personal information for the purposes of their work. However, in accordance with the terms of the News Factory's Privacy and Cookies Policy, that information will be kept confidential and will be used for the News Factory's own purposes.

10- If you do not wish to share your work (any photographs you take, any videos, graphics work or audio clips) with the News Factory, please do not submit them to the News Factory website.

11- If you want to know more about this, News Factory website Frequently Asked Questions. -See this section.

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