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Privacy Policy


Privacy Statement

The News Factory is committed to keeping your and your family's personal information safe when you use News Factory websites.

In order to make full use of News Factory websites, we sometimes need to provide the News Factory with your personal information.

The News Factory is obliged to use the information you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Act and all applicable UK laws to keep personal information secure.

News Factory websites often contain links to websites owned by third parties. The News Factory is not responsible for the content of these external websites and you can use them at your own risk.

What kind of information will the News Factory collect about me?

You may be asked to provide some personal information when using websites such as the News Factory's newsletters, competitions, live chats and message boards. For example, your name, email address, telephone and mobile number or date of birth.

After entering your information in the designated space, the News Factory allows you to use the service of your choice.

The News Factory uses some cookies in this regard. A cookie is a small piece of data that stores information about your likes and dislikes on a website. This allows the News Factory to present websites according to your preferences. You can allow these cookies to be inserted in your web browser, set the notification option for this - or not allow cookies to be inserted.

Similarly, we collect IP addresses (an IP is a unique number that identifies a particular computer or device on a network).

We analyze these IP addresses and cookies through software to present News Factory websites as you like them. However, this information is never used to build your personal data repository and is destroyed at regular intervals.

This IP address also determines whether you are accessing the News Factory website from inside or outside the BD.

If you are aged 16 or under, get your parent's permission before giving your personal information on the News Factory website. Any information on the News Factory website is prohibited without parental permission.

How will the News Factory use my personal information?

The News Factory uses your personal information in a few cases. This includes, for 'service administration purposes', eg where the BBC may contact you as necessary in relation to the website you are using.

The News Factory will keep the information you provide confidential unless there is a legal obligation or legal prohibition.

The News Factory may use your personal information to stop you from posting or sending anything on the BBC website that is offensive, offensive or inappropriate, or otherwise interferes with the operation of the BBC website.

How long will the News Factory store my personal information?

To use News Factory websites, your personal data will be stored by the News Factory for as long as necessary. In addition, if you have written or sent anything to a News Factory website, it will be stored for a reasonable time.

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