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140 varieties of mangoes in a three-day fair in Naogaon, Bangladesh.

Different varieties of mangoes are arranged in the fair.

 A three-day fair of 140 varieties of Bahari mangoes with distinctive taste has started in Naogaon. The fair was inaugurated at Naogaon Sadar Upazila Parishad square today on Wednesday afternoon. Naogaon District Agricultural Extension Directorate has organized this fair under exportable mango production project.

Deputy Commissioner Md inaugurated the fair as the chief guest. Golam Moula A discussion meeting was organized on this occasion. Naogaon Agriculture Extension Directorate Deputy Director Abul Kalam Azad presided over the event. At the end of the discussion, the best five mango farmers of Naogaon were honored with a crest gift from the Department of Agriculture.

According to the sources of the District Agriculture Extension Directorate, Naogaon's famous Nak Fazli and Amrapali are present in the fair; Also American Palmer, Ledigen, Austin of Australia, Miyazaki of Japan, King of Chakapat of Thailand, Brunei King, Langra, Bari Mango-4, Dasheri, Kaliabhog, Bandigaur, Vrindavani, Moti Mango, Chosha, Sonamukhi, Bulbuli, Kumra Jali, Mahua, 140 varieties of mangoes with local and foreign Bahari names and unique flavors including Sindura, Ratargul, Dudhswar, Chuu, Radhasundari, Jaduvhog are arranged in rows, which are thronged by visitors from different places.

Local youth Aminul Islam was visiting the stalls of the fair and looking at different varieties of mangoes. Expressing his surprise seeing all the mangoes named Bahari, he said, 'So long I knew the names of only 10 to 12 types of mangoes including Amrapali, Langra, Fazli. But I had no idea that there are so many varieties, and so many wonderful and diverse varieties of mangoes. I got to know many new things about Naogaon mangoes after coming to the fair.'

Jahangir Shah, the founder of Shah Agricultural Information Library and Agricultural Museum, located in Manda, Naogaon, the National Agriculture Medalist, agricultural entrepreneur and researcher, came to the fair. Visiting the fair, he said that the advanced varieties of mangoes which are in demand in the international market, are currently being widely cultivated in Naogaon. Gradually the demand of Naogaon mangoes in the foreign market is increasing. Many agriculturists are currently cultivating improved varieties of mangoes following good agricultural practices for export. But they are still not able to capture the foreign market. Government and private initiatives should be strengthened for this. Branding of Bangladeshi mango should be increased in the foreign market.

Naogaon Agriculture Extension Department Deputy Director Abul Kalam Azad said that mangoes were produced for the foreign market for the first time in 2019 from Naogaon. Last year, 221 metric tons of mangoes were exported from this district to foreign markets. This time a target of 1000 metric tons of mango export from the district has been set. Apart from Europe and Middle East markets, the possibility of exporting mangoes to China has also emerged. Recently, a Chinese government delegation visited various mango orchards in Naogaon to import mangoes from Bangladesh.

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